A Glug of Oil

Your trusted source for the very best recipes from around the world!

Measurement Conversion Chart

What is a Glug of Oil?

People often ask what Jamie Oliver means by a glug of oil.

You'll often hear him mention 'a glug of oil' in his recipes. So what is a glug of oil sometimes called a lug of oil? 

Measurements and why I don't think you really need them.

I'm not really one for actually measuring anything in the way of ingredients. I don't believe there should be any rules when it comes to the amount of oil or anything else used in recipes.

If you're making a cake or bread then you’d have to be more accurate which is probably why I don't make cakes. Oh and because I don't really like them also has something to do with it!

But for other recipes, just go with the amount you feel is right. Have a taste and add more if you need to and less, or none, of the things you don't like.

Cooking should be fun and an experiment with the flavours you like. 

So, unless you're baking, there are no strict to the very gram measurements - that would make cooking boring.

As long as you understand flavours, just go with what you think is best.

Recipe Measurement Conversions

If you really must have a measurement

A glug (or sometimes referred to as a lug) of oil is probably just over a tablespoon.

And a knob of butter is about 10g - just a small slice. A good glug of oil is a bit more!

As a general rule, Europeans and Australians follow the metric measurement system and Americans follow the imperial system. The conversions listed here are approximate for imperial.

UK and Australian tablespoon conversions

1 x UK or Australian teaspoon is 5ml

1 x UK tablespoon is 3 teaspoons or 15ml

1 Australian tablespoon is 4 teaspoons or 20ml

Oven temperature and imperial to metric conversion chart.