A Glug of Oil

Your trusted source for the very best recipes from around the world!

About Me

Hello I'm Jan 😊

Although I'm a Londoner, I now live in Shropshire with my husband Paul.

Long story about how I ended up here; I could start another blog about that one!

I started this blog in March 2008, and I love cooking and especially eating of course; always hungry am I. We love cheese and probably eat far too much of it, but hey ho.

Now, you may well be wondering where the name A Glug of Oil came about?

Well, I don't believe in measuring exact amounts when making a recipe; unless, of course, it's baking and that's only because by law you have to or the recipe just won't work.

But for general cooking, I make up as I go along and only make a note for the purpose of writing recipes for this blog. 

I taste as I go, and using a pencil I start with a scrap of paper and write down what I put in, then if I add more I alter it - simples!

For more info on a glug of oil or a knob of butter, pop over to my 'Measurements' page. 

I’d love to hear from you, whether you have a question or a comment that you'd rather not make public.

Cheers, Jan x

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