A Glug of Oil

Your trusted source for the very best recipes from around the world!

Old-fashioned  Pickled Onions Find out how to make traditional English pub-style pickled onions using malt vinegar.  Crunchy and...
Fresh and delicious, pico de gallo is easy to make. This classic Mexican dip will add a fresh, healthy, low-calorie boost of fla...
So, what is Mapo Tofu? It's a delicious Chinese pork stir-fry recipe from Sichuan Province. Find out how to make it from scratch....
My favourite Mexican breakfast for one! Eggs rancheros with black beans and feta cheese - perfect for a leisurely Sunday breakfa...
Simple Cod Recipe Cod in a deliciously rich tomato and pepper sauce; kinda Spanish style. Perfect for a midweek meal and easy on...
Easy Quiche Recipe  If you're looking for something healthy to eat which is low in calories then my ultimate quiche with cream...
Cheese and Onion Quiche Recipe using Spring Onions (scallions or green onions)  Quicker to cook than regular onions, add quiche to your ...
Jacket Potatoes Cooked in the Oven A jacket potato (or baked potato) should be served so hot that you have to blow on every for...
Beef Rendang Recipe A spicy, rich and creamy Malaysian stew that is totally delicious. It may take a long while to cook but the end re...