A Glug of Oil

Easy and delicious recipes including midweek dinner ideas, English and world cuisine

Superfood Bowl

SuperFood lunch bowls are easy to make, tasty and will keep you fuller for longer.

Packed full of flavour and vitamins and requires no proper cooking (apart from 90 seconds in a microwave for the rice) and can be ready to serve in under 5 minutes.

Superfood Bowl

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On Monday just gone I came over all unnecessary and seem to have joined a gym (whoever would have thought ah)?! Anyway, I joined my gym, and I'm thinking it's the best decision ever.

I've gone on in the past about wanting to lose a bit of weight and it always seems to be the same amount which is 9lb and I almost do it but then back on it goes 😐

I don't really do kilos but 9lb is 4.1kg according to the Amazon Alexa woman; I just asked her!

So, you will be seeing the new me; not all health and fitness as we love cheese a little bit too much. But I'm planning on going to the gym at least 3 times a week and I'm more interested in the classes they have rather than all that gym equipment.

On Wednesday, I did the Legs Bums and Tums class and yesterday my bottom and legs HURT!!! But I've booked in again next week as it was actually really good fun.

To be honest, I was really nervous about going but now I've done it it's nowhere near scary. All the staff are very friendly and helpful. I've spoken to a few of the girls in the LBT class, and they were really lovely.

Next week I'm planning on going to Zumba as well as LBT. But I also quite fancy the Aqua fitness class too.....soon I shall be running the marathon lol.

Alongside a simple chopped salad of peppers, cucumber, tomatoes, celery and red onion. I used a tin of Napolina Five Bean Salad which is 248 kcal (half a tin).

It's a mix of kidney beans, black eye, borotti, pea navy and baby green lima beans and sweetcorn.

I added a tin of Tuna in Springwater (well drained).

The Rice Wheat and Buckwheat from the new microwavable rice and grain pouch range by Riso Gallo and cooks in just 90 seconds in the microwave is just 138 kcal per half pack. At the time of writing, they're only available to buy in Waitrose.


Please be sure to only buy sustainably caught dolphin-friendly tuna; it will be clearly labelled on the tin.

Canned tuna is a rich source of protein, niacin and vitamin B12 and low in saturated fat and is just 55 kcal per half can.


Beans are a protein-rich superfood that is high in fibre and antioxidants. Adding beans to your diet helps cut calories and help you stay fuller for longer.

Bell Peppers

Are full of vitamin C and a large red bell pepper contains twice the amount of vitamin C than an orange.

They also contain vitamin A-antioxidants that neutralise free radicals which are said to reduce the risk of heart disease, some cancers, and cataracts, and to alleviate symptoms of arthritis and asthma.


According to what I've read tomatoes are the epitome of a cancer-fighting SuperFood.

Not only do tomatoes contain lycopene, the antioxidant phytochemical that also helps prevent heart disease, but they're a good source of vitamins A, C, and E which are all enemies of cancer-friendly free radicals.

Red Onions

Not only good for adding flavour but they enhance the production of glutathione, a tripeptide that serves as an antioxidant for the liver.


Although sweetcorn has high amounts of insoluble fibre meaning the husks of the corn kernels don't get broken down; apparently, that's good for your gut as it feeds the good bacteria in your tummy.


Although celery is not classed as a nutritional powerhouse like other SuperFoods it's still a significant source of butylphthalide, which is anti-inflammatory and shows promise in decreasing cholesterol and blood pressure and slowing dementia.


Cucumber is low in calories and contains many important vitamins and minerals, as well as high water content.

Eating cucumbers could help with weight loss, balanced hydration, digestive regularity and lower blood sugar levels.

Chopped salad

The only time involved in this is chopping the salad but if you have a food processor, Magimix or similar as I do then it's seriously easy and done in seconds; just attach the dicing blade and feed in the salad ingredients minus the tomatoes.

Cut tomatoes by hand, or you'll have tomato mush.

Yield: 2
Author: Jan Bennett
SuperFood Bowl with Tuna

SuperFood Bowl with Tuna

Packed full of flavour and vitamins and it requires no actual cooking just microwave the rice wheat and buck wheat for 90 seconds!
Prep time: 3 MinCook time: 2 MinTotal time: 5 Min


As much as you want of the following
  • Red and Yellow Bell Pepper
  • Celery
  • Cucumber - deseeded skin on
  • Baby Plum Tomatoes
  • Red Onion
  • 1 x 450g can of Napolina Five Bean Salad - rinsed and drained
  • 1 x 145g tin of Tuna in Springwater - drained
  • 1 x pouch of 'Riso Gallo' Rice Wheat and Buckwheat


  1. Start by chopping your salad either by hand using a sharp knife or in a food processor with the dicing blade attached.
  2. The tomatoes you will have to slice by hand. Once done put the chopped salad into your serving bowls.
  3. Mix the rinsed and drained beans with the drained tuna and add that to your serving bowls.
  4. Now cut the corner off of the rice packet and pop into a microwave for 90 seconds.
  5. Add that to your serving bowls, eat and enjoy.
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  1. This is delicious Jan and so good for you

    1. Thank you! Yes it's really good for you and so easy too. x


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