A Glug of Oil

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Homemade Raspberry Flavoured Water

Making your own flavoured water is easy, healthy and also good for you as there's no added sugar.

Raspberry and Vanilla Water

One big brand name in the bottled flavoured water business was recently found to have 27.5g of sugar in its standard 500ml bottle of lemon and lime water - that's equivalent to almost seven teaspoons.

All the more reason for making your own!

How to Make Raspberry Flavoured Water

For every glass, you will need

  • a handful of fresh or frozen raspberries
  • a quarter of a teaspoon of Vanilla extract  
  • 250ml water

Whiz the raspberries in a blender - takes two seconds.  Then add the vanilla extract and water.  Whiz again for a few more seconds.

Now, if you don't mind the raspberry seed just serve straight away or chill in the fridge till later.

But if you're fussy about the 'bits' just strain through a sieve and again serve straight away or chill for later.


  1. Ooh this sounds fab. I have to give this a go. Im always looking for new ways to get water down myself.

  2. Great idea - I've been looking for flavoured drinks that don't contain sugar or sweeteners.

  3. The amount of added sugar in bought drinks can be really high. I am not against adding sugar if something tastes too sour but I'd just add a teaspoon of honey which is usually enough and not enough to blow out sugar levels. Lovely recipe too.


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