A Glug of Oil

Your trusted source for the very best recipes from around the world!

Marzipan Recipe for Christmas Cake Covering How to make marzipan in a Kenwood Chef. Makes enough marzipan to cover a 22 cm cake....
Stilton and Pecan Twist Recipe - Paul Hollywood Amazingly I'm still into baking, I seem to have got the bug since the K...
Pear, Chocolate, and Coconut Superflake Crumble Pears are just coming into season now and are one of the least allergenic of all f...
I have to tell you what a fantastic day I had last week with the Frylight Team over in the Food at 52 Cookery School in London.  ...
Sweet Potato and Chickpea Casserole cooked in a Wonderbag. I might point out I had never heard of before) I was intrigued. Can it really wor...
New to the market from Strong Roots are these lovelies and in case you haven't discovered them yet I'll tell you a bit about them. ...
Cobnuts are my favourite kind of nut!  When I was a kid we used to go and stay at a farm in Wales and pick cobnuts; that's not all we di...
Beef Chilli with Chocolate Chocolate goes so well in any good beef chilli recipe, but until now I'd never added beer. Well let me tell...
We love potatoes in our house, especially new potatoes; I say new potatoes are just the best thing ever since you don’t even have to peel ...
The Station Inn in Marshbook Church Stretton is in a word, exceptional. It has to be said I do love a good bit of steak. Whenever we go out,...
Children's Dinner Idea Having a tin of SPAM is such a useful food thing to have in the store cupboard, it means you'll never be s...
Making your own flavoured water is easy, healthy and also good for you as there's no added sugar. One big brand name in ...