A Glug of Oil

Easy recipes for lovers of good and tasty food. Everyday cooking with instructions and top tips.

How to make Jam Making homemade jam isn't really a difficult thing, it can't be because if I can make jam anyone can! Of c...
Week 3 of the 4-week #AirFryerTakeIn challenge given to me by Philips. Using the AirFryer the plan is to swap a takeaway and get cooking u...
I do love a nice frying pan and I have a fair amount of what I call proper good ones, but I can honestly say I am totally impressed with th...
How to make Mini Chorizo Empanadas in an AirFryer. Okay, folks, this is week 2 of a 4-week challenge given to me by Philips which was to swa...
Philips recently set me and a few other bloggers up a challenge which is to swap a weekly takeaway meal every week for a month and to j...