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Beer52 Craft Beer Club - Review

Beer52.com is an online company that delivers exclusive small batch craft beers to your door.

Members are sent a selection of either 8 or 10 great beers every month, along with a little snack as well as a copy of their magazine Ferment.

Beer52 review

Beer52 Craft Beer Review

On opening the box, you find a few money off vouchers for various online retailers (very useful) along with a nice surprise snack.....Metcalfe's Popcorn Crisps are to be recommended!

Along with a copy of the magazine by Beer52 called Ferment; inside there's an informative guide to the beers in your box along with really interesting articles such as curry and which beers are best suited and a piece about a world wide hop shortage.

Beer52 delivery

As you can see the beers arrived perfectly packaged; there's no fear of anything arriving broken.

Beer bottles in a box

So how does the Beer52 Club work?

Prices are lower according to how many deliveries you sign up for (delivery is free by the way) but the good thing is you can give it a try for just £24 (at the time of writing) and you can easily opt-out at any time.

Now I'm off to sample some more of that beer! So far Paul (the husband) has tried two of the beers in our box and thought they were excellent.

Disclosure - I was sent a box to try. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I was not required to write a positive review.

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