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Jamie's Great Britain - Book Review

As you probably know Jamie Oliver's latest book titled 'Jamie's Great Britain' is out. You can see the TV series to accompany the book, which starts Tuesday 25th October at 9pm on Channel 4 and I will be tuning in.

Jamie's Great Britain Book Cover

Now, this book isn't all traditional English food as I thought it would be. Might be just me but that's what I was expecting. However, I was pleasantly surprised to find it isn't, because as I do like a bit of variety!

As it says in the book: It's more 'British' food that a result of centuries of invasion, exploration, colonisation and immigration which has created a unique and wonderful food culture within our small island home. But with that said, inside the book you will find classics such as Steak and Kidney Pudding that has Marmalade and Cheddar listed in the ingredients, which although sounds a bit odd, I bet it's good. It certainly looks it!

Pictures taken from the book Jamie's Great Britain:

Inside Jamie's Great Britain Book

Jamie's Great Britain Book

Jamie's Rainbow Salad looks amazing:

Rainbow Salad Photo from Inside Jamie's Great Britain Book

There are a huge range of recipes from 12-hour Rabbit Bolognese, Seared Scallops with Crispy Black Pudding and Clapshot, Crispy Roasted Fish-cakes, Roasted Veg Vindaloo, 'Kate and Wills' Wedding Pie to good old Cornish Pasties and Lincolnshire Poachers Pie.

Lots of puddings to be found in this book too: Flapjack Crumble, Apple Pepper Pot Cake, which even me that 'don't do puddings' is thinking looks rather yum. Along with this Elderflower Summer Pudding.

Elderflower Summer Pudding

All in all, this really is yet another great book from Jamie and if you were to buy it, I really can't see you being disappointed. 

A big thank you to Pete for sending me a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I was not required to write anything positive.


  1. I bought the book as soon as it came out Jan! (no surprise there!) It is a fab book! Can't wait to see the series.

  2. Will have a look at this now. I thought it was all going to be trad British food too, good to hear there is more variety.


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