A Glug of Oil

Your trusted source for the very best recipes from around the world!

Whizzed up in no time at all, tastes GOOD, and is nice and healthy too. You don't need much maple syrup in order for this be too sweet, ...
Cottage Pie Recipe - Adapted from a Gordon Ramsay Recipe The best in comfort food. Creamy mashed potatoes on top of a delicious...
These new Stellar TATE one handed draining saucepans are in a word, fantastic.  I'm sure you'll agree they certainly look the part ...
There's nothing like a nice bowl of steaming Carrot and Ginger Soup; perfect for cold winter days. When I found out the Optimum 9200 ...
Easy SPAM Frittata So, what is a frittata? It's an egg-based Italian dish similar to an omelette or crustless quiche, with a...