A Glug of Oil

Your trusted source for the very best recipes from around the world!

Crumble Recipe with Oats The addition of porridge oats to the crumble topping is a real winner in our house. Serve with custard or ice crea...
Gousto delivers fresh food recipe boxes directly to your door. Each box contains everything you need to make the recipe and includes a real...
This is a really easy crème brûlée recipe because it's made in the Tefal Cook4Me! Over the weekend I thought I'd try one of the des...
Tefal Cook4Me Multicooker   The Tefal Cook4Me is a Multicooker which means it can brown, cook, reheat, steam, pressure cook, or coo...
Slow Cooker Beef Brisket Perfect pulled beef, great for filling tacos, making fajitas or in a burger bun. Beef brisket is ...
Super quick and easy, Beef Madras Curry is ready in just 20 minutes, yes seriously. Cooked in the Tefal Cook4Me.  This...
A nice steaming bowl of pasta with a lovely rich meat sauce is always a good thing. I usually make ragu with half beef and half pork minc...
Today, in 2014, KFC becomes the first quick-service restaurant to bring on-trend street food to the high street, as it adds to its tradition...