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How to Make Yogurt in a Yogurt Maker

How to make Yogurt using a Yogurt machine

I'd wanted to make yogurt for ages but had never got around to it apart from using an EasiYo yogurt maker - more on that later.

Judge Digital Yogurt Maker

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Having recently been sent this brilliant electric yogurt maker by Judge Cookware I couldn't wait to give it a go.

More about making yogurt with the EasiYo - which has to be said it is a great invention. I like mine but I have stopped using it because I found it too expensive to keep buying the powered sachets you need.

If you've ever wondered about buying one I say if you love yogurt this gadget is so easy to use.

This was my very first attempt and it worked out really well - Summer Berry Yogurt with Vanilla.

Why I think the Judge Digital Yogurt Maker is better:

For a start, it allows you to make 7 individual jars of goodness that can be taken to work or school and everyone can add a different flavour to theirs by the way of fruits, nuts, flavourings, honey or vanilla.

By the way, this is the first post of a few yogurt recipe ideas.

Judge Digital Yogurt Maker and Jars

The Judge yogurt maker (model number JEA46) comes with 7 x 150ml jars that are dishwasher safe and the controls are really easy to use.

Just set the time following the instructions between 7 and 8 hours although it can be set to run for 8 hours and 59 minutes.

Best milk to use to make yogurt

Having been given some advice I used Jersey Milk - naughty I know; but it does make a nice thick and creamy yogurt.

You can use powdered milk or soya bean milk.  Remember, the more fat the milk contains the creamier your yogurt will be.

Just two ingredients are needed:

You will need 1 litre of milk and 250g of yogurt.

Yes you read right (it has always amused me) but you need yogurt to make yogurt! 😂

Not any old yogurt will do, it must be Natural Live Bio yogurt such as YeoValley.

If you don't use live yogurt it simply will not work.  It does tell you in the instructions that instead you can use Probiotic lactobacillus yogurt starter powder but I can't say that so I'll stick to using yogurt!

You can even use a jar of yogurt you've just made since it contains all the necessary live stuff that's needed. 

 Ideally, you need a digital thermometer since the temperature of the milk has to be pretty much right for yogurt to happen.

Making sure your jars are clean just heat the milk to 85C stirring now and again.

Once it's reached temperature remove it from the heat and allow it to cool right down to 40C (which is slightly above body temperature) but as I say a thermometer will ensure you get it right.

Measure 250g of live yogurt into a large jug or bowl and add the cooled milk.

Stir to mix completely and pour into the jars.  Pop a lid on each one and into the yogurt maker.

Set the time for between 7 hours 15 minutes to about 8 hours.

When you've done it once you'll know what you prefer best in the way of consistency.

When the yogurt is done remove the jars and and pop them into the fridge. Once cooled you can add your fruit or nuts or whatever it is you fancy.

I added some defrosted summer berry fruits; blackberries, raspberries, blackcurrant and redcurrant along with a small splash of Nielsen Massey Vanilla Extract (available in any good supermarket) to each pot. 

You could add some honey to sweeten if you prefer.

Judge Digital Yogurt Maker

Disclaimer:  Many thanks to Judge Cookware and Pam for sending me this to review.  All thoughts and opinions are my own. I was not required to write anything positive.


  1. So cool! I've always wondered how these things work.

  2. I really like the idea of making individual jars, we have an Easiyo and sometimes making and using a big lot can be a challenge. I might put this on my Birthday or Christmas list :)

  3. Oh nice gadget. I've only used the easiyo too.


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