A Glug of Oil

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Beef with Tomatoes and Sweet Paprika

Slow Cooker Beef Recipe

My cute and dinky slow cooker from Judge Cookware is just 1.5 litres and I've found this size to be perfect as it stops me from cooking far too much for two people.

I do tend to get a bit excitable and cook too much food!

Beef with Tomatoes and Sweet Paprika This post may contain affiliate links, as an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases but of course, at no extra cost to you.

About this recipe for Beef and Tomatoes; I meant to use red peppers, but for some reason, I seem to have gotten sidetracked and found myself chopping a carrot instead!

Anyway, I used the carrot and left out the red pepper (since the two together are a bit odd, I think) and it was fine, but when I make it again I will use bell pepper instead.

Whatever you do please try to use sweet paprika as it will give a far nicer taste.

Of course, if you wanted to you could put this in a casserole and pop it into the oven at say 180C/360F for about 3 hours, or until the meat is nice and tender.

The only problem is with the oven it does tend to need checking on more often as you will most probably find you need to turn the oven down at some point.

Beef with Tomatoes and Sweet Paprika

Yield: 2

Beef with Tomatoes and Sweet Paprika - Slow Cooker Recipe

About this recipe for Beef and Tomatoes; I meant to use a red peppers, but for some reason I seem to have got side tracked and found myself chopping a carrot instead!
Anyway, I used the carrot and left out the red pepper (since the two together is a bit odd, I think) and it was fine, but when I make it again I will use a bell pepper.


a glug or two of olive oil - say 2 tablespoons
1 onion - chopped
1 stick celery - stringy bit removed and diced
1 carrot - diced (although as I said when I make this again I use 1 red bell pepper - chopped instead)
400g braising steak - cut into bite sized pieces
1 x 400g tin of good quality cherry tomatoes - you can remove skins if you prefer
1 good tablespoon of tomato puree (paste in the US)
150ml red wine - you can drink the rest!
1 x Knorr chicken stock cube dissolved in just 80ml hot water (you can use beef stock but I think chicken is nicer)
1 tablespoon sweet paprika
a good pinch black pepper
season with a little salt if necessary at the end of cooking


Heat the oil in a large frying pan and throw in the onion, celery and carrot or bell pepper and cook till softened slightly.  Keep stirring so nothing burns.  Add the diced braising steak and give a few stirs to seal the meat.  Now add the tomato puree and cook for a minute or so.

Sprinkle over the sweet paprika and a good pinch of black pepper and stir.

Pour in the wine and let it cook for a couple of minutes before adding the chicken stock.

Give it all a good stir and transfer to a slow cooker.  Cook on high for 1 hour before turning down to low for about 6 hours. 

If you're at home, don't fuss just put it on low for 7 to 8 hours.  I do this as I like to get it going; no real idea why but it makes be feel better to know cooking is actually happening! 
Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. Looks yummy - thank you for sharing x

  2. I've just got a new slow cooker. This definitely looks like a recipe worth trying. Thanks.

  3. That looks absolutely divine Jan, just the kind of tasty dish I could dunk lots of crusty bread into. Yum!!!! I've missed cooking food like this since my husband went veggie and the kids got fussy about meat... I reserve stews for when we have guests now so it's going on the list!

  4. Ooh lovely.. I am with Katie on this - perfect for dunking bread into. I love slow cooking with meat - so flavourful.

  5. Very tasty looking recipe and good to see the slow cooker is still being used - spring today, I'm considering putting mine away!

  6. This looks like a really nice recipe - I need a slow cooker dish for Wednesday night so I'm going shopping for these ingredients tomorrow :D I love my slow cooker! Love it when you post SC recipes! x

  7. Delicious. I do like the idea of a smaller slowcooker too. I generally make a vat full and fill the freezer!

  8. Looks like a beautiful, wholesome, healthy soup. It's the kind of thing perfect on a cold Spring evening like today.

    Thanks, for sharing.



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