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Judge Photovoltaic Solar Kitchen Scales - Review

How many times have you gone to weigh something only to find your scales are in need new batteries?  My answer would be quite a few. 
So with that alone in mind, the new energy efficient J415 Solar Scale from Judge Cookware are in my opinion, quite brilliant.

Judge Photovoltaic Solar Kitchen Scales
 Photograph by Horwood images.

If the scales have been stored away from light they are up and running ready to weigh within just 60-90 seconds. 

There has also been many times when I've wanted to use a certain bowl to weigh ingredients before then going on to mix in that same bowl and most scales simply can't cope, so I'm loving the high weight capacity of 5kg/11lb

Large easy to read LCD display screen, metric-imperial conversion and one-touch unit exchange which allows you to easily switch between the weighing of solids AND liquids.  
Metric and Imperial modes g, ml and 1b:oz, fl'oz are all covered.
Add-weigh facility is simple to use - just press zero.
Typical in-store price is £24

You can find out more about this and other Judge products over at their website www.judgecookware.co.uk 

Thank to Pam and Judge for sending me this kettle.
All opinions and thoughts are my own.  I was not required to write a positive review.  I only ever post reviews on products I like the look of, and therefore would buy myself.

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