A Glug of Oil

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Groovy Food Omega Oils - a Review

The Groovy Food Company have kindly sent me two different oils to try.
Omega High Five Cooking Oil:

A fusion of five cold pressed virgin seed oils blended together.  Camelina, avocado, virgin olive oil, sunflower and toasted sesame seed oils make it an ideal healthier alternative to other cooking fats.

I tasted a little before using it to cook and the first taste that you notice is of toasted sesame seeds, but it isn't overpowering at all.  It keeps it's flavour too, even at high temperature and is perfect for frying. 
Organic Omega Cool Oil:
As the name suggests is isn't suitable for heating up, it's a blend of organic cold pressed seed oils. Omega 3, 6 and 9
Flax, hemp, pumpkin and evening primrose seed oils, this oil has perfectly balanced amount of essential fatty acids.

It has to be said the very first time I tasted this I thought it had a strange taste - neither nice or nasty.  I couldn't make my mind up.  But when you dip bread in and serve with olives it becomes something delicious and I'm quite addicted!  

It's also great drizzled onto salads.  No need to add anything else, just drizzle away!

Omega Cool Oil – 250ml is around £8.49
High Five Cooking Oil – 500ml is around £6.99
The collection of these and other oils are available throughout Tesco and Sainsbury’s stores nationwide, selected health food retailers and online.

The Groovy Food Company are very passionate about their products as you can see over at their website: The Groovy Food Company

Thank you to Kelly for sending me some to try.

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