A Glug of Oil

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Elvis Burger - Jamie Oliver

Okay, I'm going to say these are not quite what I'd call an Elvis Burger for two reasons.

The first because I thought they sounded way too massive at 250g (9oz) each (and that's coming from a quite a greedy person). I'm sure I've missed the point of it being called an Elvis burger because mine were smaller.

Elvis Burger

The second reason for my burgers being 'not quite Elvis' is because having used half the beef that Jamie did to make 4 burgers, I still used the same amount of spices and mustard etc.

The result was excellent; they tasted really good and I'll be making these again. My picture isn't too amazing but you get the gist.


For the salad any amount you fancy of the following:
lettuce - sliced
tomatoes - sliced
cucumber - sliced
large pickled gherkins - chopped

Yield: 4

Not Quite Jamie Oliver's Elvis Burger!

I say not quite Jamie's Elvis Burger for two reasons: I thought they sounded way too massive at 250g each; and that's coming from a quite a greedy person!
I'm sure I've missed the point of it being called an Elvis burger because mine were far smaller.

So mine are 'not quite Elvis' because even though I used half the beef that Jamie did to make 4 burgers, I still used the same amount of spices and mustard etc and they tasted fine. Any less and I think they would've been a bit tasteless.


1 dried red chilli
1 red onion - peeled and finely chopped
a sprig of fresh tarragon - leaves picked and chopped
1 free-range egg
a handful of breadcrumbs
a dollop of Dijon mustard
a small handful freshly grated Parmesan
a pinch of ground nutmeg
500g minced beef
vegetable oil - for frying
salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 burger buns

For the salad any amount you fancy of the following:
lettuce - sliced
tomatoes - sliced
cucumber - sliced
large pickled gherkins - chopped


Grind up the red chilli in a pestle and mortar with a tiny bit of salt; it makes it easier to grind 

Mix it in a bowl with the onion, tarragon, egg, breadcrumbs, mustard, Parmesan, nutmeg and beef.  

Shape into four nice burgers and refrigerate for half an hour or so to give them a chance to firm up slightly.

When you're ready to cook the burgers, get a frying or griddle pan nice and hot.  Brush the pan with a little oil, season the burgers generously with salt and pepper.

Cook them for about 6 minutes each side, turning them carefully now and then, until they're nice and pink and juicy, or longer if you like them well done.  Make sure they don't break up as you turn them.

Meanwhile, roughly chop the lettuce, tomato and cucumber, mix together and set aside. 

Once the burgers are cooked, split the rolls into two and toast them quickly on the griddle or in a toaster. Sandwich the cooked 'Elvis' burger between the toasted rolls and serve them on individual plates with the gherkins and some of the chopped salad on the side.

It's of course up to you but I do like American mustard on my burger!
Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. A nine ounce burger would be huge, so good call Jan:D When your mentioned an Elvis burger I expected peanut butter and bananas:D

  2. I like home made burgers you know what has gone into them!


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