A Glug of Oil

Easy and delicious recipes including midweek dinner ideas, English and world cuisine.

Which Flour for Giant Yorkshire Puddings

Yorkshire Pudding Self Raising Flour

One day, by mistake, I used self-raising flour instead of plain flour, resulting in Giant Yorkshire puddings.

Giant Yorkshire puddings made with self raising flour.

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Recipe Top Tips!

Now, I have read that you should only ever use plain flour, otherwise, they will not rise, but I certainly didn't have that problem with mine!

With that said, this was a mistake because I usually use plain flour. But if you've ever wondered if you can use self raising flour to make Yorkshire puddings, that's your answer. 😉

I must point out, that I wouldn't use self raising flour again, they just don't taste the same. I say, use my recipe but with plain flour!

Now, Gordon Ramsay says to make the Yorkshire pudding batter and leave it for an hour at room temperature before using it.

Actually, I'm sure he's also said that overnight is better, I can't remember where I read that, but it was in one of his books.

Yorkshire Pudding is usually served with a traditional Sunday roast dinner.

What is a traditional British Sunday roast?

The Sunday roast is a traditional British meal typically served on Sunday (hence the name), consisting of roasted meat, roast potatoes and accompaniments such as Yorkshire Pudding, stuffing, and gravy.

Some people serve mashed potatoes but I can't get my head around it since there's nothing more delicious than perfect crispy roast potatoes and I certainly can't see why you'd serve both.

Yorkshire pudding is a common English side dish consisting of a baked pudding made from batter made using flour, eggs, and milk.

It's the same batter mixture that you make another traditional and common English dish, called Toad in the Hole; which by the way, has nothing whatsoever to do with toads; thank goodness! 😂

Toad in the hole is basically sausages with Yorkshire pudding batter poured around them, cooked in the oven and usually served with onion gravy and vegetables.

Is British self raising flour the same as American self-rising flour?

To be honest, I had absolutely no idea, but this is what I found when I Googled it and apparently,  self raising flour (British) differs from self-rising flour (American) in two ways.

Apparently, the British form includes flour blended with a generous helping of baking powder.

And, the American form is a blend of flour, a small amount of baking powder, and salt.

So, if that's the case you may not need to add salt to this recipe, although I don't know for sure, as I'm not familiar with American flour.

But what I do know is that without salt, they will taste horrid. Anyway, this is what our flour looks like here in the UK, other brands are available!

A box of self raising flour.

Yorkshire pudding tin

It helps to have the right tools for the right job and, in this case, a good 4 hole Yorkshire pudding tin.

To make more puddings, just double the recipe but be sure you have room in your oven! As you can see they took over the tin (and the oven too) 😄

I shouldn't think mine would win a prize for looks, but hey ho, they were crispy and they did rise.

Yorkshire puddings recipe

Yorkshire Puddings, pictured in a Yorkshire pudding tin.

Ingredients you will need

  • 100g self raising flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 100ml milk - I use semi-skimmed (half fat)
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper
  • vegetable oil - beef dripping or duck fat would be better

Have you ever made Yorkshire puds with self raising flour? 

If so do let me know in the comments below how your puds turned out.

giant yorkshire puddings, which flour for Yorkshire pudding, Yorkshire pudding self raising flour, Yorkshire pudding recipe,
side, Sunday,
Yield: 4
Author: Jan Bennett
Giant Yorkshire Pudding - Self Raising Flour

Giant Yorkshire Pudding - Self Raising Flour

Makes 4 very large puds. You will need a Yorkshire pudding tin; mine is a 4 hole tin and each hole is about (7.5cm) 3 inches round.
Prep time: 5 MinCook time: 20 MinTotal time: 25 Min


  • 100g self raising flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 100ml milk
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper
  • vegetable oil - beef dripping would be better


Preheat the oven to 220°C/425°F or Gas 7
  1. Sift the flour, salt and pepper into a bowl. *If you're using Homepride flour, here in the UK, it's pre-sieved so you can leave the sifting out.
  2. Whisk in the eggs and add the milk, when it's all whisked nicely pour it into a jug - just because it's easier to pour into the Yorkshire pud tin.
  3. Put 1 tablespoon of oil into 4 of the holes and heat it up in your preheated oven for a couple of minutes until the oil is very hot.
  4. Pour the batter into the four holes of the pudding tin and pop it straight into the oven - middle shelf as they will RISE because of the self raising flour and touch the top of your oven!
  5. Without opening the oven door leave them to cook for about 20 minutes when they should be nice and huge!
  6. Serve immediately.
Did you make this recipe?
@aglugofoil # aglugofoil


  1. Quite a change from my usual sad little disks.

  2. Oh my gosh! I love it I love it and I can't get enough of it. I have it with my pork roast with gravy and I have it with all my thick cream soups. When I made it real big I just use it as a bowl. Instead of chip beef on toast I eat chip beef on yorkshire pudding.

  3. This is a long argument in my family Self Raising or Plain and to be honest the real odd thing i have found is The Oven & temperature they are cooked in/at is the main issue. There have been S/R ones that come out like sponges (no big air gap in centre) other times perfect. Plain ones that don't rise at all other times they so tall they look like two stacked up. Personally i super heat the tray and dripping in oven then when it smoking hot put it on top of a hot hob while pouring in batter mix then get back in oven ASAP. THEN if anyone asks what flour i used i just agree with what ever they prefer to avoid the conversation.

    1. Hi boblow
      Thanks for your comment. Yes I agree I don't mention which flour anymore!! I guess perhaps Yorkshires can be a bit hit and miss but having used self raising I have to say they did come out pretty well.

  4. Replies
    1. So sorry I recently updated this post and missed out the oven temp!
      The recipe card has now been updated. 220C/425F or Gas 7
      Thank you for pointing this out :)

  5. Sadly even with the self raising flour mine was flat as a pancake, not sure where I'm going wrong

    1. Awww, I'm really sorry but I don't know.
      To be honest perhaps mine were just a fluke perhaps. I do use the same recipe but with plain flour and they are always fine; just not quite as huge as these were.

    2. Try adding an extra egg than your recipe calls for. And do make sure your baking pan with grease in it is smoking hot before you pour in the batter

  6. I am a Yorkshire lass and the most important thing is the temperature of the oil. It needs to be very hot. Ps plain flour is the more traditional!

    1. Thank you Anon. Yes I know, just thisi once I used self-raising flour by mistake and this is what happened!

      I usually only ever use plain flour, just thought people might like to know if it works.

  7. It can help to whisk the eggs first until they double in volume and then add the dry ingredients and the milk after. Then mix.

    1. Cheers Anon, I'll certainly try this, thank you.

  8. How much do u pour in the holes

    1. Hi Maggie - Divide the mixture between the four holes of a large hole Yorkshire pudding tin.

    2. I was told by a chef friend to add an egg white to the 2 whole eggs to get a good rise. I haven’t used SR flour yet but I’m going to give it a go. I agree with others that a hot pudding dish is a must and ensuring there are no draughts in the kitchen (open doors, windows, etc).

    3. Oooh thank you, I've not heard that, I will have to give that a go!
      As far as SR flour, I do prefer to use plain flour; these were made in error and I posted just to proove that they do rise!

  9. Disaster! Mine came out like little savoury cup cakes. Spongy and heavy - but at least not scrambled eggs like the last ones I made with SR flour.
    My usual ones made with plain flour are always perfect - I had just run out today. It was worth a try! :)

    1. Hi Anon - Oh No! That's not good; yes I really think plain flour is the way to go.
      Not sure how mine came out as they did but it was a mistake and I always use plain flour now.
      Wishing you al the very best for 2021.


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