A Glug of Oil

Your trusted source for the very best recipes from around the world!

Butternut Squash Tagine  Roasting vegetables really brings out their flavour. Once roasted, add them along with chickpeas and sp...
This leek and carrot soup was so easy to make, as most soups are, but this is really delicious and well worth giving a go. I've had this...
This Weight Watchers recipe for Coconut Pancakes with Caramelised Bananas is just 7 ProPoints. So you can have pancakes on Pancake Day with...
Chinese Beef in Black Bean Sauce with Peppers is a surprisingly easy stir-fry recipe you can make at home.  And, it tastes ...
How to Roast a Whole Chicken The best way to roast a chicken - read on to find out how long to roast a whole chicken. ...